Did you know that National Cream Tea Day takes place on Friday 30th June? If you’re looking for an excuse to enjoy a traditional British cream tea and impress your friends all at the same time, take a look at the official etiquette for enjoying a cream tea below.

National Cream Tea Day is organised by Rodda’s Cornish Clotted Cream and Wilkin and Sons Tiptree. Every year, the two companies donate over 50,000 portions of jam and cream to charitable events raising money on the day, which in turn goes towards good causes.

If you’re planning to indulge in this heritage treat, here is the correct way to do so.

Use loose leaf tea rather than a tea bag

Brew your tea in a teapot, with a second pot of hot water on hand in case you’ve overbrewed

Allow the tea to brew for at least three minutes before pouring

When pouring, add the tea before the milk and then add the sugar, if you take it.

Spoons go on saucers, once you’ve stirred, your spoon should go back on the saucer

There is no need to hold out your pinky finger, it isn’t good etiquette whatever you’re drinking!

The perfect scone should break apart with a simple twist, so don’t pull at it or hack at it with a knife.

Spoon cream and jam onto your plate and then spread them onto your scone

Depending on where you’re from, it doesn’t matter whether you go jam or cream first. If you’re in Devon though, make sure it is cream first and in Cornwall, jam first.

Now you’re prepared, we hope you have a lovely cream tea day!




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