Visit Heritage Blog (History and Heritage) - Visit Heritage

  • Worst Prime Ministers in history blog

    Worst Prime Ministers in history blog

    As the excitement of the General Election dies down, here are some of the hapless leaders that haven’t been remembered fondly by history. Time will tell how our current prime minister will be remembered, but for now, let’s indulge in some of the worst remembered prime ministers.

  • Keeping fame in the family

    Keeping fame in the family

    Fame is a funny thing – you might think that the celebrities of today are a flash in the pan and in a few generations time, will be nothing but a distant memory but sometimes fame stays in the family, like with the people we’ll be talking about today.

  • (Not always so) Fun facts about Charles I

    (Not always so) Fun facts about Charles I

    Last month on the blog, we marked Oak Apple Day and the Restoration of the monarchy, so this month, we thought we’d take a look at the man that, some might say, caused the downfall of the royal family in the first place.

  • Little known facts about WWII

    Little known facts about WWII

    As 8th May marks VE (or Victory in Europe) Day which marked the formal end of WWII following the unconditional surrender of the Nazis, it seemed appropriate to share some of the lesser known facts from our most talked about war.

  • The man behind the legend | Dick Turpin

    The man behind the legend | Dick Turpin

    This month marks the 285th anniversary of the end of Dick Turpin’s reign of terror, so to celebrate we thought we would take a look at the life and crimes of Britain’s most famous highwayman and some of his contemporaries.

  • One a penny, two a penny, hot cross buns!

    One a penny, two a penny, hot cross buns!

    They’re one of the best loved Easter treats but where did the idea of hot cross buns come from? Did you know they were once banned? Or that it is believed that they were invented by a monk? Well, we’re here to tell you the history of hot cross buns and how to make your own this Easter.

  • Worst relationships in history

    History's worst love stories

    With Valentine’s Day having roots in Pagan tradition and with the day’s celebration of romance dating back to the Roman era, there are thousands of years of romance to explore throughout history.

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