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First World War training trenches, centuries old shipwrecks and cabmen shelters are among the sites being added to the National Heritage list. They are now part of the official database of protected historical assets.

The latest additions to the database include:

Two Victorian cabmen shelters which have been given Grade II listing and are located at Pont Street, Kensington, and Chelsea Embankment, both in London. The shelters which are green were used to give horse drawn Hackney carriages somewhere to rest and eat where their vehicles would not be unattended. Only 13 of the 61 original shelters in London have survived, many of which were bombed during the Blitz or removed for construction work. Today, the shelter at Pont Street is still open, serving refreshments to black cab drivers.

Two shipwrecks, named NW96 and NW68 were discovered off the Isle of Wight and have been dated back to the 16th and 17th centuries. The pair have been granted the highest level of protection as they are deemed to be very rare. The oldest of the pair, NW96 Is believed to predate 1580 because of the lead ingot found in the furnace, which was no longer used after that time.

A network of training trenches, found in Norfolk, also described as being rare as other examples have long been filled in. It was used by a regiment of the Scottish Highland Yeomanry, which was founded during the Boer War and fought in Gallipoli and later in WWII. It’s soldiers were drawn from among workers of the Scottish Highlands and were commanded by Lord Lovat.

Combe Gill Mill, an 18th century water mill located in the Lake District. This Grade II listed mill can be found on the tributary of the River Derwent near Borrowdale and has been a source of inspiration for artists over the year. John Constable is among those known to have created a painting of the mill. The internal milling machinery is no longer there but traces can still be seen.

Speaking about the list, Heritage minister, Lord Parkinson, said: “Heritage sites tell the story of our country, boost tourism and help us understand and take pride in where we live. By listing buildings and protecting wrecks, battlefields and monuments, we can safeguard our history for future generations to enjoy as well.

“With an extra 240 places added to the list this year, I’m pleased to join Historic England in encouraging everyone to get out and explore our shared heritage this Christmas.”

Chief Executive of Historic England, Duncan Wilson, said: “The variety of listings this year illustrates the rich diversity of our shared heritage and the importance of everyday places from an Edwardian bank to a London cab shelter to a 19th century watermill, that make up the fascinating fabric of our past. Places like this help to make us proud of where we live. Listing their value so they are protected for the future and everyone can continue to enjoy them.”





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