Visit Heritage Blog (March 2023) - Visit Heritage

  • World-renowned artist Sean Scully to stage major exhibition of outdoor sculpture at Houghton Hall

    World Renowned artist Sean Scully to stage major exhibition of outdoor sculpture at Houghton Hall

    This spring one of the world’s most celebrated artists Sean Scully will take over the grounds and historic interiors of Houghton Hall in Norfolk for an exhibition that will showcase the full range of the artist’s sculpture. In the Hall and Contemporary Gallery, the artist will also show a significant group of paintings and works on paper. Sean Scully at Houghton Hall - Smaller Than The Sky will open on 23 April 2023 and run until 29 October

  • april fools man and child playing prank

    Happy April Fools Day!

    1st April is April Fools’ Day, a day where you should be wary of all and anything that you see. Historians aren’t sure where the idea of April Fools came from, one theory is that the day was a way of marking the end of winter and the beginning of spring – something similar to a Roman festival, Hilaria, which saw people wearing disguises and celebrating.

  • image shows statue of boudica in london

    Women’s history month | Great Women in history: Boudica

    Boudica is one of the most legendary women in British history, she is thought to have lived between 30AD and 60AD and was known to defeat the Romans on several occasions during their invasion and occupation of what would later become modern Britain. But how much were you taught about her?

  • image shows mother and child holding hands

    Fascinating mothers in history

    As Mother’s Day is coming up and this month is Women’s History Month, we thought we’d shine a light on some of the incredible mothers from history that have shaped the course of life as we know it. From queens to politicians to housewives, here are some of the incredible women we should celebrate alongside our own mums this March.

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